Sunday, June 19, 2016

:: Coffee Talk with C&C- Dad ::

I should call this wine talk with C&C this week considering how late I'm posting this but yesterday I had a bachelorette party and today we visited Kyle's family for Father's day. We are doing dinner with my dad in 2 weeks but I stopped by the house to say a quick hello before heading over to the in-laws.

I want to talk about the 3 life lessons I learned from my dad this week. My father is the strong, silent type but as I've gotten older & through some tough life events my dad and I have gotten to know and respect each other so much.

1) Don't worry about what other people think or say about you if you don't worry about them otherwise.

I will never forget the afternoon I came home crying because some boy made fun of me for a red spot on my nose by calling my Rudolph. In hindsight I should have taken it as a compliment considering I love Christmas but at my young age I took it to heart. My dad came home, heard why I was crying and sat me down and asked, "Why do you care what this boy said about you?". I honestly couldn't think of a reason so I sat staring at him, he followed up with, "If you can't think of a reason it shouldn't bother you". I was forever changed, people are going to try and tear you down but until it's someone you care about, it's not important.

2) Family comes first.

I have never once in my whole life ever doubted that my dad put our family first, even before himself. He's been there, for everything. He took his life in his hands and taught me how to drive, he came to my choir concerts, & was so proud when I walked across the stage graduating from college. That loyalty, which did not only extend to me but to my mom & brother has rubbed off on me in ways I don't think he realizes. I will do anything for my family, especially this new family I've just created with my husband.

3) You can and should have an opinion but you should not always give it.

In an age where sharing your opinion is so easily accessible, it is hard not to weigh in on every topic but my dad taught me not to give an opinion unless asked. I would say I follow this really strictly when it comes to my friends and family but not always on social media (which I need to get better about!). My dad is a quiet guy and rarely offers an opinion unless you ask for it which I've really grown to respect about him. At first growing up I figured he didn't care or wasn't listening, it wasn't until I got older that I realized what he was up to.

These are not the only 3 lessons I've taken away from who my father is as a person but they're some of the biggest and most important. A father's impact on a child is irreplaceable, especially a young girl and I am so lucky for mine!


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