Wednesday, June 22, 2016

:: Wedded Wednesday ::

Marriage is not easy & being in our first official year I thought it would be fun to update you weekly on anything I've learned and/or the ridiculously hilarious moments!

Lesson Number 1- marriage is a giant compromise! This shouldn't be a big surprise to anyone who is married or has been in a long term relationship but it becomes so much more evident when you're officially husband & wife. It is weird that the second I received my new social security card in the mail, I really felt like a wife. Seeing my new name totally woke me up to the fact that I am now a part of a new family with my husband and it's up to us to protect that integrity of that family!

I have to say my first big compromise came before we were married, even before we were engaged when I agreed to move back home to the town where we grew up and commute an hour to work so my husband could take a job at his family business. It was only an easy decision because it was about family, and how we could help make my in-laws lives easier by having Kyle work at the business, take some pressure off my father in-law and breathe new life into a 33 year old business. Not to say that it's been easy because it hasn't but the pay off has been worth it! Our routine has changed drastically, from week nights & weekends together to having to be alone a lot of the weekend because Kyle is at work. But what makes it worth it is that while he may be tired, he's fulfilled & satisfied in this new role. Seeing your spouse go from a job they hate to one that gives them a sense of purpose makes the compromise worth while (and the kitten I negotiated in the deal doesn't hurt either).  It also doesn't hurt that my father in-law has a sense of ease knowing he's not alone in the business and it's growing again!

I know that there will be thousands more compromises to come and additionally we'll both be selfish from time to time but with good intentions!


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